What’s In Season?
What’s In Season?
This video may help you appreciate your county in a whole new way.
It’s time you enjoyed food with roots in Jefferson County.
So please take a moment to watch this video, and meet just a few of the producers who help feed Jefferson County…those who bring floral beauty into our homes…and artisans who make some of life’s essentials right here in our county.
Then, as you shop, we encourage you to be on the lookout for the Jefferson County “Grown” and “Made” labels. These will help you find items produced close to home. Choosing local goods not only enables you to know exactly where your food comes from, it also helps our county be more self-sustaining, and supports neighbors like the folks featured in this video.
Cut the supply chain: buy local.

Find What’s Fresh
Use this map to locate area businesses participating in the Jefferson County Grown and Jefferson County Made programs. The location pins correspond to each of the individual enterprises listed to the left of the map graphic. You’ll find that you’re not far from the best that Jefferson County has to offer!